Like every industry, the jewelry industry is heavily affected by the boom in technology. From synthetic lab grown diamonds to treated precious stones, it is becoming harder and harder to distinguish between natural and synthetic stones as well as their quality characteristics.
With ever growing protocols and standards for stones the industry is learning more and more about where the stones come from, their formation and their attributes.
It is now more important than ever to explain to customers what it is they are purchasing. The stone's origin and quality are key factors that defy its value and must be clarified to consumers. Educating each person interested in a piece of jewelry must always take place. (Watch how we educate our team preparing them for the field of jewelry, Click Here).
At Anatol we work with internationally established laboratories in order to certify our stones (such as the Gemological Institute of America GIA). We are especially proud to be working with the Independent Gemological Laboratory who certify our diamonds as well as our colored stones.
George Spyromilios is the expert gemologist we trust our jewelry with. Through his eyes we are able to inform customers about the stones used on our jewelry. He is the founder of I.G.L. (Independent Gemological Laboratory) author of gemology books and a gemology instructor. He is considered to be an authority in identification and certification of diamonds and precious stones in Greece.
Take a look at our diamond collection (solitaires) studying their Certificates and begin to learn the pilars of diamond grading the 4C's.
It will be our pleasure to inform you further on this topic and reply to any of your questions. You can contact us via email at